Sweet Summer Pizza

Sweet Summer Pizza

What do you consider to be the end of summer? Is it when school starts, when labor day hits, the first day below 80°, or maybe you follow the calendar and count it as September 22nd? No matter what we know the end is near. As summer comes to a close, it also brings the end of peach and and strawberry season, sigh!

We wanted to make a recipe to bring all the flavors of summer together for one last party! This sweet summer pizza not only smells, looks, and tastes amazing, but also is incredibly easy and relatively quick to make. Toppings includes mozzarella, grilled chicken, strawberries, peaches, arugula, and a balsamic dressing. The best part is you can alter the recipe to best fit your preferences. When I make it again, I will probably sub the mozzarella for goat cheese and spinach in place of the arugula! I think it could also taste great with an olive oil spread instead of pizza sauce.

To make this recipe easy and quick, we opted for a pre-made dough from Trader Joe’s. You can find it in a bag in the refrigerated section. At our store they sell a regular pizza crust along with a garlic and herb crust (yum!). Another item from Trader Joe’s used in this recipe is their Balsamic Glaze. It is to die for and really pulls this whole recipe together. Lastly, we pulled left over grilled chicken from our freezer, which we highly recommend because its perfect on the fly for recipes such as this one.


  • 1 bag of Pizza dough (bought from Trader Joe’s!)

  • 1 Jar Pizza sauce

  • 1 Cup Mozzarella or Goat Cheese

  • 1 Cup Grilled Chicken

  • 1 Cup Strawberries (sliced)

  • 1/2 Cup Peaches (sliced)

  • 2 Tbsp Balsamic Glaze (also purchased from Trader Joe’s)

  • A handful of Chopped Argula or Spinach


  1. Preheat over to 350°

  2. Prepare pizza dough according to directions on the back

  3. Spread pizza sauce evenly across dough - use as much sauce as you prefer

  4. Spread cheese on Pizza - again, we recommend 1 cup but use how ever much you prefer

  5. Top Pizza with 1 Cup grilled chicken

  6. Place Pizza in preheated oven for 5 minutes

  7. Remove Pizza and top with Strawberries and/or peaches

  8. Pop pizza back in oven for 5-7 minutes, or until crust golden brown and lightly crisp.

  9. Remove pizza from oven when ready and top with arugula spinach, as well as balsamic glaze

  10. Enjoy!

Chicken Flight

Chicken Flight

Just Peachy Topping

Just Peachy Topping